About Me
Dr Parry qualified in 1984 after training at St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London. He spent 14 years in the NHS as a GP before leaving to set up in private practice.
He now works three days a week in London at the Wellman Clinic and two days a week in Colchester.
His interests are Men’s Health, Private GP Services, Health Screening, Weight Management and Travel Immunisation. He is accredited by Medco to do medicolegal reports for accident victims.
The Practice
Take a look at our list of services that we offer at the practice.
Private Consultations with Dr Parry
There is no need to be referred; you may simply make an appointment that suits you in the knowledge that you will have the time you need to discuss your health concerns in complete confidence. Referrals (usually to Oaks hospital) can be arranged, either for consultant opinion or investigations (X-ray, Ultrasound, CT, MRI). Blood & other tests can be taken on site. Private prescriptions, where needed, can be provided.

For those who are not helped by other medication.

Erectile Dysfunction, Testosterone replacement Therapy, Premature Ejaculation.

HGV, PSV, Taxi and Diving reports.

Pneumonia, Varicella (chickenpox), Shingles, Gardasil-9 (HPV), Meningitis B, Meningitis ACWY, Hepatitis for employment.

We stock the common vaccines and can obtain on request others (rabies, japanese B encephalitis). We do NOT provide Yellow Fever immunisation.
We also offer single measles and combined measles/rubella for those not wanting MMR vaccine.