Men's Health 

Dr Parry is particularly interested in Testosterone deficiency, erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). All of these can have devastating effects on men’s health, self-esteem, and relationships. None is particularly well managed in NHS primary care due to a lack of time or awareness. 
You will be able to discuss your concerns with someone who has many years of experience in managing these conditions, which can co-exist. A full history will be taken, and a general examination will be performed. Relevant blood tests will be performed. Occasionally, other investigations (e.g. penile ultrasound) will be required. 
Management will include lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, smoking and alcohol reduction/cessation); testosterone replacement; Viagra-type medication for ED; and creams/medication for PE. 
Routine follow-up and blood tests (as required) will be arranged. 

Key Services for men 

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